Friday, October 28, 2005


This is for you, Ryan!

Thursday, October 27, 2005


Filmmaker Darren Arnofksy is directing an episode of Lost? WOW!! For those of you not familiar with his work, Arnofsky is responsible for Pi and the brilliant Requiem for a Dream, as well as the upcoming film The Fountain (Yes, I know I have linked to that site before. Deal). Read more here.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Cinematic Adaptations of Graphic Novels

Lots of news concerning comic book movies:

The sequel to Batman Begins: before director Christopher Nolan tackles this one, he will be making a film called The Prestige, starring Batman himself, Christian Bale, and X-Man Wolverine, Hugh Jackman. According to IMDB, in Prestige "Bale and Jackman will play rival magicians in turn-of-the-century London who battle each other for trade secrets. The rivalry is so intense that it turns them into murderers. The title refers to the residue left after a magician's successful trick." Sounds interesting. Still, I am looking forward to the next Bat flick. The most recent rumor has Michael Keaton in talks to play Joker. I love that concept if for no other reason than the irony! Read more here.

Sin City: apparently after next year's sequel, a television series is planned. I am all about the more movies, but I don' see Sin City working well as a TV show. Not only are there not that many stories left to tell (they were trying to figure out if they could make one or two more movies), but to be true to the stories it would HAVE to air on HBO. The FCC and Sin City would have problems getting along, let's just say that. Though rumor has it that Frank Miller is writing more Sin stories, mot notable for Jessica Alba's character Nancy, I would still much rather see them brought to the big screen, not the small. Also, what are the chances that big time movie director Robert Rodriguez is going to want to do a TV show, and, as far as I am concerned, he and Miller must BOTH be at the helm before I'll watch a SC show. Read more here.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

It's Out!

Kevin Max's new album The Imposter releases today! Go over the Northern Records store and buy yourself a copy! Or, if you prefer, just listen to the album in the flash player! (I plan on doing both; the latter until the former arrives!)

Friday, October 07, 2005

Lost, Lost, and MORE Lost

It's amazing how many official websites ABC runs for its hit show Lost (OK, maybe not THAT surprising). Here is a list of the ones I am aware of. (Beware, possible spoilers ahead!)

The official, official site. Quite boring actually. As far as I know, nothing important there. this was the first "secret" site. Hacking this site will eventually lead you to...

Oceanic Flight this is truly the official site. Episode index, cast & character info, etc, etc etc. And, of course, some hidden info as well.

The Hanso Foundation: look closely and you will find at least one "goodie."

Dharma Industries: I have yet to figure out how to hack this one...I have a few ideas, but they haven't worked yet. I'll keep you posted.

The Fuselage: official site for the crew of Lost, and it claims to be sponsored by J.J. Abrams. Has a cool message board.

The following two sites are of unknown veracity. Some say they are official, others disagree.

Drive Shaft's Official Site: it's unknown if this site if run by ABC, or if it's just a REALLY well done fan site.

The French Lady: all evidence points to this being UNofficial, but who knows. Either way, it's kinda cool.

And last, but not least, are a couple interesting unofficial links... the best fan site I have found.

MAJOR SPOILER ALERT!!: This is not a fan site (though it was discovered by the fans); it is a link to info found on Google. It may shed light on the infamous numbers, it may not, but I find it too much of a coincidence to ignore. Click here.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Five Blades??????

First there were single blade razors...then two, then three, then four blades, and then came the addition of "power" ( vibrates...big whoop!) to the lineup. The constant war Between Gillette/Schick seems to really be getting out of hand with Gillette's introduction of Fusion, a five blade razor available with or without the "cool" vibrating feature.

OK, maybe I am being a bit cynical, but I like my standard, old fashioned (sort of) Mach 3 blades. Yet, even Mach 3 had its naysayers when it was first introduced, so maybe I should give the five blade system, and even the powered version, a shot before I make a judgment call. But all I can think of whenever more blades are added to razors is a Saturday Night Live skit I saw back when Mach 3 first came out. The skit introduced Mach 25, which practically peeled off the users face! Only 20 more blades to go...

For those of you who jump on the razor-blade-band-wagon, Fusion will be out early next year.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

More Baby News...

TomKat (aka Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes) is expecting it's first child. This is a sign of the apocalypse. Stockpile canned food and bottled water NOW!!!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

This is taking it too far...

I admit I have gone a little comic book crazy the last couple of months (OK, OK, hundreds of dollars worth of crazy), but no matter how into comic books I get I would never name my kid after a character from one! But Nicolas Cage doesn't feel that way! Cage, 41, and his wife Alice Kim Cage, 21, (yeah, that marriage is gonna last) welcomed a baby boy into the world yesterday, and named him Kal-El Coppola Cage. For those of you who don't know, Kal-El is Superman's given Kryptonian name. I sure wouldn't want to live up to a name like that!

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Lost & Found

For the last few episodes of Lost--primarily last year's three part season finale and the recent second season premiere--I have not been nearly as impressed with the show as I once was. However, the episode that aired this week was actually quite good. Here's hoping it stays that way!

Now...on to the good stuff...

(SPOILER ALERT!) If you have seen this week's episode of Lost (and ONLY if you have) click here. I had not noticed what the link reveals, and it brings up some interesting possibilities...

The Lost Numbers site has collected what seems to be an exhaustive collection of how Hurley's numbers (4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42) keep appearing throughout the show. On the site's sidebar are links to full season 1 and 2 recaps. Pretty impressive. I wish I had as much free time as the people who run that site do!